I have been checking things to do with Mono and Multi hull boat structures for a while. The initial curiosity came from noticing somewhere on the web that Multihull boats, like catamaran, are actually less likely to capsize as mono-hull boats.
This information came curious because I noticed that many refugee boats are actually, one way or another, single-hull structured.
This question of refugee boat safety is something I hope to develop.
While gathering information about mono vs multi hull boats, it became clear that within sailing communities there’s a certain divide between people who prefer one structure over another.
One reason some people mentioned for their mono hull preference was clothed and addressed in a language I can not recall spoken by people defining themselves as europeans.
I want to sail like my ancestors did. I want to sail and feel that connection with my ancestors – people mentioned when talking about their mono hull preference.
The multi hull boat structure, in european context, is an imported boat design. A design that was imported from Polynesian boat making traditions. Curiously IMHO, there are some culturally european boat makers that attempt to build catamarans based on traditional Polynesian designs. However, I think, Polynesian boat design must have evolved in time. If they had contemporary boat making technologies freely available, aren’t indigenous Polynesian people more likely to build innovative catamarans? Weren’t the old Polynesian multi-hull boats innovative at their time..?